I'm trying to mock another method I've created using mocker.patch.object. However I get the AttributeError. New to using mocker but haven't seen an example that can help with this condition.
Tried different ways of calling the method from mocker.
within tests/test_unit.py
from pytest_mock import mocker
class TestApp:
def setup_method(self):
self.obj = ClassApi()
def test_class_api_method(self, client):
return_value = {'name': 'test'}
mocker.patch.object(self.obj, 'method_to_mock')
within project/services
class ClassApi:
def method_to_mock(self, input1):
return result
AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute 'patch'
I'm not super familiar with Pytest-Mock but based on a look at the docs you should be using mocker
as a fixture. So you function should look like this:
def test_class_api_method(self, client, mocker):
return_value = {'name': 'test'}
mocker.patch.object(self.obj, 'method_to_mock')
pytest automatically provides the argument mocker to the test function when it is run so there is no need to import it.