I'm trying to create a simple program in python3 with threads and queue to concurrent download images from URL links by using 4 or more threads to download 4 images at the same time and download said images in the downloads folder in the PC while avoiding duplicates by sharing the information between threads. I suppose I could use something like URL1= “Link1”? Here are some examples of links.
But I don't understand how to use threads with queue and I'm lost on how to do this.
I have tried searching for some page that can explain how to use threads with queue to concurrent download I have only found links for threads only.
Here is a code that it works partially. What i need is that the program ask how many threads you want and then download images until it reaches image 20, but on the code if input 5, it will only download 5 images and so on. The thing is that if i put 5, it will download 5 images first, then the following 5 and so on until 20. if its 4 images then 4, 4, 4, 4, 4. if its 6 then it will go 6,6,6 and then download the remaining 2. Somehow i must implement queue on the code but i just learn threads a few days ago and im lost on how to mix threads and queue together.
import threading
import urllib.request
import queue # i need to use this somehow
def worker(cont):
print("The worker is ON",cont)
image_download = "URL"+str(cont)+".jpeg"
download = urllib.request.urlopen(image_download)
file_save = open("Image "+str(cont)+".jpeg", "wb")
return cont+1
threads = []
q_threads = int(input("Choose input amount of threads between 4 and 20"))
for i in range(0, q_threads):
h = threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(i+1, int))
for i in range(0, q_threads):
I adapted the following from some code I used to perform multi threaded PSO
import threading
import queue
if __name__ == "__main__":
picture_queue = queue.Queue(maxsize=0)
picture_threads = []
picture_urls = ["string.com","string2.com"]
# create and start the threads
for url in picture_urls:
picture_threads.append(picture_getter(url, picture_queue))
# wait for threads to finish
for picture_thread in picture_threads:
# get the results
picture_list = []
while not picture_queue.empty():
class picture_getter(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, url, picture_queue):
self.url = url
self.picture_queue = picture_queue
super(picture_getter, self).__init__()
def run(self):
print("Starting download on " + str(self.url))
def _get_picture(self):
# --- get your picture --- #
Just so you know, people on stackoverflow like to see what you have tried first before providing a solution. However I have this code lying around anyway. Welcome aboard fellow newbie!
One thing I will add is that this does not avoid duplication by sharing information between threads. It avoids duplication as each thread is told what to download. If your filenames are numbered as they appear to be in your question this shouldn't be a problem as you can easily build a list of these.
Updated code to solve the edits to Treyons original post
import threading
import urllib.request
import queue
import time
class picture_getter(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, url, file_name, picture_queue):
self.url = url
self.file_name = file_name
self.picture_queue = picture_queue
super(picture_getter, self).__init__()
def run(self):
print("Starting download on " + str(self.url))
def _get_picture(self):
print("{}: Simulating delay".format(self.file_name))
# download and save image
download = urllib.request.urlopen(self.url)
file_save = open("Image " + self.file_name, "wb")
self.picture_queue.put("Image " + self.file_name)
def remainder_or_max_threads(num_pictures, num_threads, iterations):
# remaining pictures
remainder = num_pictures - (num_threads * iterations)
# if there are equal or more pictures remaining than max threads
# return max threads, otherwise remaining number of pictures
if remainder >= num_threads:
return max_threads
return remainder
if __name__ == "__main__":
# store the response from the threads
picture_queue = queue.Queue(maxsize=0)
picture_threads = []
num_pictures = 20
url_prefix = "https://unab-dw2018.s3.amazonaws.com/ldp2019/"
picture_names = ["{}.jpeg".format(i+1) for i in range(num_pictures)]
max_threads = int(input("Choose input amount of threads between 4 and 20: "))
iterations = 0
# during the majority of runtime iterations * max threads is
# the number of pictures that have been downloaded
# when it exceeds num_pictures all pictures have been downloaded
while iterations * max_threads < num_pictures:
# this returns max_threads if there are max_threads or more pictures left to download
# else it will return the number of remaining pictures
threads = remainder_or_max_threads(num_pictures, max_threads, iterations)
# loop through the next section of pictures, create and start their threads
for name, i in zip(picture_names[iterations * max_threads:], range(threads)):
picture_threads.append(picture_getter(url_prefix + name, name, picture_queue))
picture_threads[i + iterations * max_threads].start()
# wait for threads to finish
for picture_thread in picture_threads:
# increment the iterations
iterations += 1
# get the results
picture_list = []
while not picture_queue.empty():
print("Successfully downloaded")