I'd like to split and copy a huge file from a bucket (gs://$SRC_BUCKET/$MY_HUGE_FILE
) to another bucket (gs://$DST_BUCKET/
), but without downloading the file locally. I expect to do this using only gsutil
and shell commands.
I'm looking for something with the same final behaviour as the following commands :
gsutil cp gs://$SRC_BUCKET/$MY_HUGE_FILE my_huge_file_stored_locally
split -l 1000000 my_huge_file_stored_locally a_split_of_my_file_
gsutil -m mv a_split_of_my_file_* gs://$DST_BUCKET/
But, because I'm executing these actions on a Compute Engine VM with limited disk storage capacity, getting the huge file locally is not possible (and anyway, it seems like a waste of network bandwidth).
The file in this example is split by number of lines (-l 1000000
), but I will accept answers if the split is done by number of bytes.
I took a look at the docs about streaming uploads and downloads using gsutil to do something like :
gsutil cp gs://$SRC_BUCKET/$MY_HUGE_FILE - | split -1000000 | ...
But I can't figure out how to upload split files directly to gs://$DST_BUCKET/
, without creating them locally (creating temporarily only 1 shard for the transfer is OK though).
This can't be done without downloading, but you could use range reads to build the pieces without downloading the full file at once, e.g.,
gsutil cat -r 0-10000 gs://$SRC_BUCKET/$MY_HUGE_FILE | gsutil cp - gs://$DST_BUCKET/file1
gsutil cat -r 10001-20000 gs://$SRC_BUCKET/$MY_HUGE_FILE | gsutil cp - gs://$DST_BUCKET/file2