How to convert html to pdf file in Powershell using itext.html2pdf?
I just want to take my input.html file and get an output.pdf file
I am using iText 7 pdfHTML vewrsion 2.1.3
Here is a C# code in the itext website, but how to convert it to Powershell?.
static void Main(string[] args)
using (FileStream htmlSource = File.Open("input.html", FileMode.Open))
using (FileStream pdfDest = File.Open("output.pdf", FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
ConverterProperties converterProperties = new ConverterProperties();
HtmlConverter.ConvertToPdf(htmlSource, pdfDest, converterProperties);
Thank you in advance for your help.
Make sure to unpack binaries from the following dependencies for .NET environment into the working directory:
Then, use the following PowerShell code:
Add-Type -Path "D:\temp\BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll"
Add-Type -Path "D:\temp\Common.Logging.Core.dll"
Add-Type -Path "D:\temp\Common.Logging.dll"
Add-Type -Path "D:\temp\"
Add-Type -Path "D:\temp\itext.kernel.dll"
Add-Type -Path "D:\temp\itext.forms.dll"
Add-Type -Path "D:\temp\itext.layout.dll"
Add-Type -Path "D:\temp\itext.styledxmlparser.dll"
Add-Type -Path "D:\temp\itext.svg.dll"
Add-Type -Path "D:\temp\itext.html2pdf.dll"
$source = [System.IO.FileInfo]::new("D:\temp\input.html")
$dest = [System.IO.FileInfo]::new("D:\temp\output.pdf")
[iText.Html2Pdf.HtmlConverter]::ConvertToPdf($source, $dest)