QWidget (PySide) constructor accepts f
keyword, but QWizard has flags
argument instead of f
. Is it possible to inspect method signature beforehand? I want to be able to pass flags to any QWidget subclass.
As you mentioned QWidget accepts f
, and QDialog also accepts f
. QWizard appears to be the odd one out that uses flags
. Since inspect.getfullargspec() does not work with PySide objects, I'd recommend making a helper function if you need to determine this at run time. The helper will have to determine whether to use the f or flags keyword argument based upon a known list of widget classes.
from PySide2 import QtWidgets
FLAGS_WIDGETS = (QtWidgets.QWizard,)
def flags_kwarg(cls, flags):
if issubclass(cls, FLAGS_WIDGETS):
key = 'flags'
key = 'f'
return {key: flags}
This can then be used as:
from PySide2 import QtCore
cls = QtWidgets.QWizard # or some other widget class
flags = QtCore.Qt.WindowFlags()
kwargs = flags_kwarg(cls, flags)
widget = cls(parent, **kwargs)