In vim, I can use set colorcolumn=80
to highlight the column 80.
I need same functionality in git diff
, any way to do this?
You can try using vim (vimdiff) using this command:
git difftool --tool=vimdiff --no-prompt
If this is something you like, you can configure git to always use vim as its difftool and merge tool:
git config --global diff.tool vimdiff
git config --global merge.tool vimdiff
git config --global difftool.prompt false
Once you're using vimdiff, familiarize yourself with common actions:
]c : - next difference
[c : - previous difference
do - diff obtain
dp - diff put
zo - open folded text
zc - close folded text
:diffupdate - re-scan the files for differences
You'll gain all the niceties of vim (coloring, macros, modal editing) but you'll be in a specialized mode of vim designed for diffs and merges.