I have to print readable factor analysis output in an Rmarkdown document (can ultimately be pdf, word or html), and I am having real trouble doing this. I had this problem here. I am running psych version 1.8.12.
Reproducible code is below, but I have also put up a github respository here:
Note, when I run results='markup'
the pdf compiles, but the table is not readable: it prints the latex code. When I run results='asis'
, an error is returned ! LaTeX Error: \caption outside float.
I am much less familiar with the packages like kabel and texreg. Would those be an option? `
title: "Factor Analysis Test"
author: "Simon Kiss"
date: '2019-06-07'
output: pdf_document
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
mod<-fa(Thurstone, 3)
```{r results='markup'}
if you want to output a table make sure to convert it to a dataframe first.
title: "Factor Analysis Test"
author: "Simon Kiss"
date: '2019-06-07'
output: pdf_document
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
mod<-fa(Thurstone, 3)
```{r results='markup'}