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Google Ads Script (AWQL) get custom date range for reporting

I need to pull a google ads report that will get data from a fixed date (28th May) until today and push the data to a spreadsheet. I can't figure out how to define the date range for this query

I've tried googling and reading the google documentation but I can't figure it out

function main() {
  var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl('');
  var sheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName('Data')  
  var report =
    'SELECT Date, CampaignName, AverageFrequency, Impressions, ImpressionReach ' +
    'WHERE  Impressions > 0 ' +
    'DURING 20190528,TODAY');


I need to use today as the end date instead of the campaign end date as the end date for this query as I'm trying to pull frequency as a metric and it will just show blank values if the end date is in the future.

Please let me know if there is a way to make the query work. Thanks!


  • The TODAY keyword acts as the "full range" of the DURING property and cannot be used as the end part (as far as I know). The following should work.

    function main() {
        var endDate = new Date();
        var endRange = Utilities.formatDate(endDate, 'America/Chicago', 'YYYYMMdd');
        var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl('');
        var sheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName('Data')  
        var report =
            'SELECT Date, CampaignName, AverageFrequency, Impressions, ImpressionReach ' +
            'WHERE  Impressions > 0 ' +
            'DURING 20190528,' + endRange);