I have create several applications that communicate with our central auth server via doorkeeper. I want to make some applications accessible/inaccessible for specific users.
Is there a way to restrict access to specific oauth_applications and return a 401?
I believe the easiest way to achieve this would be the following:
And those permissions could contain just the name of the application you want to give them access to, (Or the ID of the application, you choose)
token_payload do |opts|
token[:permissions] = user.permissions.pluck(:application_name)
If you are using Doorkeeper without JWT, you can still pass extra information to the token by prepending a custom response to the ResponseToken object like so:
Doorkeeper::OAuth::TokenResponse.send :prepend, CustomTokenResponse
and CustomTokenResponse just need to implement the methods body
, like so:
module CustomTokenResponse
def body
additional_data = {
'username' => env[:clearance].current_user.username,
'userid' => @token.resource_owner_id # you have an access to the @token object
# any other data
# call original `#body` method and merge its result with the additional data hash
extra information can be found in Doorkeepers' wiki: https://github.com/doorkeeper-gem/doorkeeper/wiki/Customizing-Token-Response and in the Doorkeeper JWT gem: https://github.com/doorkeeper-gem/doorkeeper-jwt#usage