I get 0 values on the y Axis while plotting a discreteBarChart inside renderChart(), However, the highest value of yAxis appears (not 0) but also with some wierd format and commmas (see 2nd screenshot down named Chart Plot)
I want to plot 2 columns in rCharts, the x Axis is a character (countryname) and the yAxis is numeric (Collective_Turnover) I created this variable (Collective_Turnover) from the data, it is the sum of the Net_Turnover I tried to put as.numeric() before it, but still, getting 0 on the yAxis
data$countryname= as.character(data$countryname)
output$top10countries <-renderChart({
topcountries <-
group_by(as.character(countryname)) %>%
Collective_Turnover= sum(as.numeric(`Net turnover`))
), desc(Collective_Turnover))
colnames(topcountries )[colnames(topcountries )=="as.character(countryname)"] <- "Country"
topcountries <- subset(topcountries [1:10,], select = c(Country, Collective_Turnover))
p <- nPlot(Collective_Turnover~Country, data = topcountries , type = "discreteBarChart", dom = "top10countries")
p$params$width <- 1000
p$params$height <- 200
p$xAxis(staggerLabels = TRUE)
# p$yAxis(axisLabel = "CollectiveTO", width = 50)
The output of topcountries in R is a table like this:
that is arranged in descending order...
and the plot that i get is this:
The ticks labels are truncated because they are too long. You need to set the left margin and a padding. To get rid of the commas, use a number formatter.
dat <- data.frame(
Country = c("Russian", "Italy", "Spain"),
x = c(12748613.6, 5432101.2, 205789.7)
p <- nPlot(x ~ Country, data = dat, type = "discreteBarChart")
p$yAxis(tickPadding = 15, tickFormat = "#! function(d) {return d3.format('.1')(d)} !#")
p$chart(margin = list(left = 100))