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R Vignette Fails on Internal Package Function

We are adding a vignette to our R package. When documenting the package using roxygen2, the vignette breaks giving the error

Error in tMatrix[i, j, ] <- testVec : 
  number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length

However, using devtools::document() or devtools::build_vignettes(), the vignette builds fine.

Minimal example located here.


  • This is because R sets LC_COLLATE to C when building packages, which is often not the collating sequence of the locale of common operating systems such as those you mentioned in the Github issue yihui/knitr#1719. Because you used sort() in the makeArray() function in your minimal example, and sort() depends on LC_COLLATE, you will get different results in your R console (where LC_COLLATE is often not C) and in R CMD build. To reproduce the error:

    # Copied from
    makeArray <- function(names = c("AA", "Aa", "aa")){
      size <- length(names)
      tMatrix <- array(data=0, dim=c(size, size, size), dimnames=list(names, names, names))
      testVec <- setNames(object = numeric(size), nm = names)
      # fill up the array
      for (i in names)
        for (j in names)
          j_name <- strsplit(j, split='')[[1]]
          i_name <- strsplit(i, split='')[[1]]
          ij_prod <- as.vector( outer(j_name, i_name, paste0, sep='') )
          # sort
          ij_prod <- vapply( strsplit(ij_prod, split=''),
                               function(x) {paste0(sort(x, decreasing=TRUE), collapse='')},
                               FUN.VALUE = character(1))
          for (k in ij_prod)
            testVec[k] <- testVec[k]+5
          # testVec[] <- testVec/sum(testVec)
          tMatrix[i,j, ] <- testVec
          testVec[] <- 0
    Sys.setlocale('LC_COLLATE', 'C')

    I'll leave it to you to decide what to do with sort() since I'm not familiar with your function. One hint I could give is that sort(method = 'radix') always follows the C locale, hence is more robust to different locales.