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Is it possible to automatically render the texture on the back of a mesh as with WPF 3D Material.BackMaterial property?

With HelixToolkit.SharpDX.WPF when setting the material on a MeshGeometryModel3D, it does not seem possible to set a 'BackMaterial' on such that both the front and back of the mesh use the same material, in the particular usage case of applying textures with a DiffuseMap and DiffuseColor.

In WPF 3D this is possible by setting the BackMaterial property. Is there something similar I can access but I am not aware of?

Ideally I don't want to have to duplicate the model and reverse the winding order of the triangles to achieve this.

enter image description here


  • You can use following sample code:

                FillMode="{Binding FillMode}"
                Geometry="{Binding Model}"
                Material="{Binding InnerModelMaterial}" />
                FillMode="{Binding FillMode}"
                Geometry="{Binding Model}"
                Material="{Binding ModelMaterial}" />