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Controller action HttpGet executes wrong action

I have created a new Web API project from the Visual Studio Templates and then I have followed the following tutorial for adding OData to this project.

Calling https://localhost:xxx/api/Assets and https://localhost:xxx/api/Assets/1

return all Assets, while the latter should return only 1 asset (where id = 1)

My code:

public class AssetsController : ControllerBase
    private IAssetService _service;
    private IMapper _mapper;

    public AssetsController (IAssetService _service, IMapper mapper)
        this._service = _service;
        this._mapper = mapper;

    public ActionResult<IEnumerable<Asset>> Get()
        return this._service.GetAllAssets().ToList();

    public Asset Get(int id)
        return _service.GetById(id);

I have debugged to verify that the Get(int id) function is never called.

I have tried defining my route explicitly like this:

public Asset Get(int id)
    return _service.GetById(id);


Routing defined in startup:

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)
            /* snip */

            app.UseMvc(routeBuilder =>
                    name: "default",
                    template: "{controller}/{action=Index}/{id?}");

                routeBuilder.MapODataServiceRoute("api", "api", GetEdmModel());


This makes no difference.

Any ideas?


  • There're two approaches to solve this question.

    Approach 1 : rename the id parameter to key

    According to the OData v4 Web API docs :

    Here are some rules for the method signatures:

    • If the path contains a key, the action should have a parameter named key.
    • If the path contains a key into a navigation property, the action should have a > parameter named relatedKey.
    • POST and PUT requests take a parameter of the entity type.
    • PATCH requests take a parameter of type Delta, where T is the entity type.

    We should have a parameter named key:

    [HttpGet("{id}")]  // actually, this line doesn't matter if you're using OData, but it's better to rename it to `key` too
    public IActionResult Get(int key)

    Approach 2: rename the Get method to GetAsset

    According to OData v4 Web API docs:

    When Web API gets an OData request, it maps the request to a controller name and an action name. The mapping is based on the HTTP method and the URI. For example, GET /odata/Products(1) maps to ProductsController.GetProduct.

    We could also rename the action method to GetAsset as below:

    public IActionResult GetAsset(int id)