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Serve both text and image data when rendering a template?

Trying to send both text and image data as local variables to a server-side rendered page using templates.
I know I have to set the Content-Type as 'image/png'.
How can I set the Content-Type for one variable when all the other variables are text?
Thank you so much!

res.render('profile.html', { locals: {
  tasks: tasks,
  msgExists: '',
  photo: //how to set Content-Type for this variable?


  • the template is rendered on server side, and then sent to client. this means the content type of the response is "text/html", not "image/png".

    your variables do not have "Content-Type", as they are not HTML responses. if you want to embed an image in an html, and you know its raw data, it usually looks like this:

    <img src=""/>

    now if you have the image data (like whatever after base64 part) somehow stored in a JS variable, and want to pass it to your template renderer to embed that image in the resulting html, it would look like this:

    // node js code:
    res.render('my.template.html', {
      // whatever else ...
      <!-- template code: -->
      <img src="data:image/png;base64,{{imgData}}"/>
      <!-- whatever else -->

    of course this can change a bit based on the exact format you are storing the image data.