I am about to update the ag-grid-community from v19+ to v20+.
I noticed that the layout for multiple header group is changed, I am wondering is there a way to convert it back?
Here is the example using the latest version:
Here is the example for v19:
The difference is that the newest version of ag-grid will not display the empty row under the Athlete Details.
So I am wondering is there any way to revert this layout change?
It was specifically changed here: AG-2121 - only one paddedGroup for multiple columns.
AG-2121 - Feature Request - 20.2.0
Column Groups - Allow column-spanning across row header groups when they belong to the same column group.
There does not appear to be a configuration switch to go back to the old behaviour.
It's hard to get back the vertical borders, but you can get back the horizontal border with CSS such as this:
.ag-theme-balham .ag-header-cell, .ag-theme-balham .ag-header-group-cell {
border-top-width: 1px !important;
One man's feature request is another man's bug.
It's probably intended, but I can't tell for sure, to be honest. If you think the new display is bugged in your case, you can try making an issue.