I'm trying to come up with some regex which I can use to replace the last space character with a non-breaking space (control widows) within headings only inside a block of HTML.
So far I have this:
const regex = /(<h.>.+?)\s+((\S|<[^>]+>)*)\n|$/gi
const replaced = text.replace(regex, '$1 $2')
In regex101 it looks like it works correctly but when running in JavaScript it adds an extra  
to the end of the string.
A sample block of HTML might look like this:
<h2>This is a test heading</h2>
<p>Here is some text</p>
<h3>Here is a another heading</h3>
<p>Some more paragraph text which shouldn't match</p>
Which should be replaced with:
<h2>This is a test heading</h2>
<p>Here is some text</p>
<h3>Here is a another heading</h3>
<p>Some more paragraph text which shouldn't match</p>
A link to regex101 showing the working pattern.
Below is a snippet showing the non-working behaviour in JavaScript:
let text = "<h2>This is a test heading</h2>"
const regex = /(<h.>.+?)\s+((\S|<h.>)*)\n|$/gi
let replaced = text.replace(regex, '$1 $2')
text = `<h2>This is a test heading</h2>
<p>Here is some text</p>
<h3>Here is a another heading</h3>
<p>Some more paragraph text which shouldn't match</p>
<p>Why is there a non breaking space at the very end?</p>
replaced = text.replace(regex, '$1 $2')
Here, we would be starting with a simple expression to capture the undesired space as well as other possible spaces that might come right before the last word using this capturing group (\s+)
If we wish to add more constraints to our expression, we can certainly do so.
const regex = /<(h[1-6])>(.+)(\s+)([^\s]+)<\/\1>/gim;
const str = `<h2>This is a test heading</h2>
<p>Here is some text</p>
<h3>Here is a another heading</h3>
<p>Some more paragraph text which shouldn't match</p>
<h2>This is a test heading</h2>
<p>Here is some text</p>
<h3>Here is a another heading</h3>
<p>Some more paragraph text which shouldn't match</p>
const subst = `<$1>$2 $4<\/$1>`;
// The substituted value will be contained in the result variable
const result = str.replace(regex, subst);
If this expression wasn't desired and you wish to modify it, please visit this link at regex101.com.
jex.im visualizes regular expressions: