I am working on a project where I am trying to implement ExoPlayer to replace a VideoView. My issue is that I am getting this error: cannot find symbol class ProgressiveMediaSource
I have seen Why can't I locate ProgressiveMediaSource? and note that it is mentioned that ProgressiveMediaPlayer was added in ExoPlayer 2.10.0 - I am using 2.10.1 so version shouldn't be an issue. The other condition that was mentioned was having the Android project upgraded to AndroidX. I believe that I am only using AndroidX unless one of my dependencies is importing some support libraries (com.android.support).
The compiler throws an error on import:
import com.google.android.exoplayer2.source.ProgressiveMediaSource;
If providing my gradle build script would help, let me know.
Error was due to human transcription error. I had typed progessive instead of progressive and never noticed until much later 😫
Lesson: if a symbol can't be found, make sure you spelled it correctly.