For instance, loop fusion can be obtained with Yoneda:
newtype Yoneda f a =
Yoneda (forall b. (a -> b) -> f b)
liftYo :: (Functor f) => f a -> Yoneda f a
liftYo x = Yoneda $ \f -> fmap f x
lowerYo :: (Functor f) => Yoneda f a -> f a
lowerYo (Yoneda y) = y id
instance Functor (Yoneda f) where
fmap f (Yoneda y) = Yoneda $ \g -> y (g . f)
loopFusion = lowerYo . fmap f . fmap g . liftYo
But I could have just written loopFusion = fmap (f . g)
. Why would I use Yoneda
at all? Are there other use cases?
Well, in this case you could have done fusion by hand, because the two fmap
s are "visible" in the source code, but the point is that Yoneda
does the transformation at runtime. It's a dynamic thing, most useful when you don't know how many times you will need to fmap
over a structure. E.g. consider lambda terms:
data Term v = Var v | App (Term v) (Term v) | Lam (Term (Maybe v))
The Maybe
under Lam
represents the variable bound by the abstraction; in the body of a Lam
, the variable Nothing
refers to the bound variable, and all variables Just v
represent the ones bound in the environment. (>>=) :: Term v -> (v -> Term v') -> Term v'
represents substitution—each v
ariable can be replaced with a Term
. However, when replacing a variable inside a Lam
, all the variables in the produced Term
need to be wrapped in Just
. E.g.
Lam $ Lam $ Var $ Just $ Just $ ()
>>= \() -> App (Var "f") (Var "x")
Lam $ Lam $ App (Var $ Just $ Just "f") (Var $ Just $ Just "x")
The naive implementation of (>>=)
goes like this:
(>>=) :: Term v -> (v -> Term v') -> Term v'
Var x >>= f = f x
App l r >>= f = App (l >>= f) (r >>= f)
Lam b >>= f = Lam (b >>= maybe (Var Nothing) (fmap Just . f))
But, written like this, every Lam
that (>>=)
goes under adds an fmap Just
to f
. If I had a Var v
buried under 1000 Lam
s, then I would end up calling fmap Just
and iterating over the new f v
term 1000 times! I can't just pull your trick and fuse multiple fmap
s into one, by hand, because there's only one fmap
in the source code being called multiple times.
can ease the pain:
bindTerm :: Term v -> (v -> Yoneda Term v') -> Term v'
bindTerm (Var x) f = lowerYoneda (f x)
bindTerm (App l r) f = App (bindTerm l f) (bindTerm r f)
bindTerm (Lam b) f =
Lam (bindTerm b (maybe (liftYoneda $ Var Nothing) (fmap Just . f)))
(>>=) :: Term v -> (v -> Term v') -> Term v'
t >>= f = bindTerm t (liftYoneda . f)
Now, the fmap Just
is free; it's just a wonky function composition. The actual iteration over the produced Term
is in the lowerYoneda
, which is only called once for each Var
. To reiterate: the source code nowhere contains anything of the form fmap f (fmap g x)
. Such forms only arise at runtime, dynamically, depending on the argument to (>>=)
. Yoneda
can rewrite that, at runtime, to fmap (f . g) x
, even though you can't rewrite it like that in the source code. Further, you can add Yoneda
to existing code with minimal changes to it. (There is, however, a drawback: lowerYoneda
is always called exactly once for each Var
, which means e.g. Var v >>= f = fmap id (f v)
where it was just f v
, before.)