I have a folder with a bunch of zip files, some of which contain an "*error.pdf" file. I need to make an "errors.txt" file containing the filenames of the zip files that contain such an error file.
I need help with the condition. FINDSTR sets ERRORLEVEL to 0 if the string is found, to 1 if it is not. I've tried if not errorlevel 1
and if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0
for %%X in (*) do (
"c:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" l "%%X" | findstr error > nul
if errorlevel 0(
ECHO "%%X" >> errors.txt
Right now nothing happens (if condition is always false), if I set the if condition to always be true it writes all filenames to errors.txt.
"c:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" l "%%X" | findstr error
does output the filenames of the *error.pdfs
The problem was a missing space between if errorlevel 0
and (
(thanks to aschipfl).
The correct condition for the if statement was also if not errorlevel 1
as mentioned by Magoo
This is the working code (with improvements mentioned by aschipfl)
for %%X in (*.zip) do (
"c:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" l "%%X" | findstr error > nul
if not errorlevel 1 (
ECHO %%X >> errors.txt