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Double column plot in Gnuplot multiplot

I try to create a combination of multiplots (2x2) and a single plot. I am not sure what I am making wrong but I can't figure out how to do it. My attempt:

plot sin(x) title "this should be a single plot"

set multiplot layout 2,2 title "Those are the multiplots"

set title "A!"
plot sin(x)

set title "B!"
plot cos(x) not

set title "C!"
tan(x) title "tan"

set title "D"
tan(0.5*x) not

No matter if I put plot after or earlier but I can't visualize it.



  • you should add a plot command before the last two functions and maybe a unset multiplot at the end. This should work. Or do you want the single plot and the multiplot both visible?

    plot sin(x) title "this should be a single plot"
    set multiplot layout 2,2 title "Those are the multiplots"
    set title "A!"
    plot sin(x)
    set title "B!"
    plot cos(x) not
    set title "C!"
    plot tan(x) title "tan"
    set title "D"
    plot tan(0.5*x) not
    unset multiplot

    Edit: (manual setting of sizes, origins and margins)

    ### Multiplot layout
    reset session
    set multiplot title "These are five plots"
    set ytics 0.5
    set margins 5,5,2,8 # l,r,b,t
    set size 1,0.5
    set origin 0,0.6
    set title "top plot"
    plot sin(x) title "this should be a single plot"
    set size 0.5,0.5
    set origin 0,0.3
    set title "A!"
    plot sin(x)
    set origin 0.5,0.3
    set title "B!"
    plot cos(x)
    set origin 0,0
    set title "C!"
    plot sin(2*x)
    set origin 0.5,0
    set title "D"
    plot cos(2*x)
    unset multiplot
    ### end of code


    enter image description here


    Just for fun, maybe it is useful to you or somebody else. With a few lines you'll have an easy way to set your layout within a matrix with a few numbers stored in $Layout. I hope it is self-explaining.

    Code: (edit: simplified)

    ### easy configurable multiplot layout
    reset session
    # row column height width
    $Layout <<EOD
    1 1 1 1
    1 2 2 2
    1 4 2 1
    2 1 1 1
    3 1 1 4
    stats $Layout u ($1+$3):($2+$4) nooutput  # get max number of rows and columns
    MPRows       = STATS_max_x - 1
    MPCols       = STATS_max_y - 1
    r(i)         = word($Layout[i],1)
    c(i)         = word($Layout[i],2)
    h(i)         = word($Layout[i],3)
    w(i)         = word($Layout[i],4)
    MPGridX      = 1.0/MPCols
    MPGridY      = 1.0/MPRows
    MPSizeX(i)   = MPGridX*w(i)
    MPSizeY(i)   = MPGridY*h(i)
    MPOriginX(i) = MPGridX*(c(i)-1)
    MPOriginY(i) = 1-MPGridY*(r(i)+h(i)-1)
    SetLayout = 'i=i+1; \
                 set origin MPOriginX(i), MPOriginY(i); \
                 set size   MPSizeX(i)  , MPSizeY(i)'
    set multiplot
        set linetype 1 lc rgb "red"
        plot sin(x)
        plot cos(x)
        plot x**3
        plot x**2
        plot sin(x)/x
    unset multiplot
    ### end of code


    enter image description here