I have the following code using PHP & GraphAware:
$stack = $client->stack();
$stack->push(' MATCH (student:Student{id:123})
MATCH (spring:Term{name:"Spring2017"})
MATCH (class:Class{name:"Cypher101"})
MERGE (student)-[:ENROLLED_IN]->(class)-[:FOR_TERM]->(spring)');
$results = $client->runStack($stack);
$res = $client->run('MATCH (n) RETURN count(n)');
I have copied the example code found here: https://neo4j.com/developer/kb/understanding-how-merge-works/ and for some reason the print_r() returns the following:
[0] => GraphAware\Bolt\Record\RecordView Object
[keys:protected] => Array
[0] => count(n)
[values:protected] => Array
[0] => 0
[keyToIndexMap:GraphAware\Bolt\Record\RecordView:private] => Array
[count(n)] => 0
If I run a CREATE command the query works fine but for some reason the code above won't. Can someone advise me what I'm doing wrong?
Your query seems correct.
Check if these nodes exist in the Neo4j Database.
with MERGE
, in that case, you don'tNOTE: Multiple
in a single query is not recommended, so try to use the first solution (creating the nodes separately).