Search code examples

Neo4j merge's not saving data

I have the following code using PHP & GraphAware:

$stack = $client->stack();
$stack->push('  MATCH (student:Student{id:123})
        MATCH (spring:Term{name:"Spring2017"})
        MATCH (class:Class{name:"Cypher101"})
        MERGE (student)-[:ENROLLED_IN]->(class)-[:FOR_TERM]->(spring)');
$results = $client->runStack($stack);

$res = $client->run('MATCH (n) RETURN count(n)');

I have copied the example code found here: and for some reason the print_r() returns the following:

    [0] => GraphAware\Bolt\Record\RecordView Object
            [keys:protected] => Array
                    [0] => count(n)

            [values:protected] => Array
                    [0] => 0

            [keyToIndexMap:GraphAware\Bolt\Record\RecordView:private] => Array
                    [count(n)] => 0



If I run a CREATE command the query works fine but for some reason the code above won't. Can someone advise me what I'm doing wrong?


  • Your query seems correct.

    Check if these nodes exist in the Neo4j Database.

    • If these are not present in the database first create these nodes and then run the query.
    • You can also replace MATCH with MERGE, in that case, you don't
      have to create these nodes separately.

    NOTE: Multiple MERGE in a single query is not recommended, so try to use the first solution (creating the nodes separately).