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Mocking ASPNET MVC DependencyResolver with Rhino mock

While writing a unit test for one of the business logic(method), not able to mock ASP NET MVC DependencyResolver due to that getting null for this. Below is the line of code

DependencyResolver.Current.GetService(typeof(ITestDetails)) as ITestDetails;

Somehow wanted to mock this line.


  • Mock the resolver and its expected behavior

    //create the new resolver that will be used to replace the current one
    IDependencyResolver resolver = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IDependencyResolver>();
    //mock expected behavior
    var testdetails = MockRepository.GenerateMock<ITestDetails>();
    resolver.Stub(_ => _.GetService(typeof(ITestDetails))).Returns(testDetails);

    and set current to the mock.

    //assign the mocked resolver.

    So now when


    is invoked, it will provide the mocked resolver and behave as expected when unit testing