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F#: Fastest way to convert a seq<'A> to seq<'B>

I am using Marten as an Event Store, in particular to fetch a stream of events.

type AccountCreation = {
    Owner: string
    AccountId: Guid
    CreatedAt: DateTimeOffset
    StartingBalance: decimal

type AccountEvents =
    | AccountCreated of AccountCreation
    | AccountCredited of Transaction
    | AccountDebited of Transaction

let settings = {
    Host = "localhost"
    DatabaseName = "postgres"
    UserName = "root"
    Password = "root"
    EventTypes = eventTypes
use store = createDocumentStore settings
use session = store.LightweightSession()

let khalidId = Guid.NewGuid()
let billId = Guid.NewGuid()

let khalid = AccountEvents.AccountCreated({
    Owner = "Khalid Abuhakmeh"
    AccountId = khalidId
    StartingBalance = 1000m
    CreatedAt = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow

let bill = {
    Owner = "Bill Boga"
    AccountId = billId
    StartingBalance = 0m
    CreatedAt = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow

session.Events.Append(khalidId, khalid) |> ignore
session.Events.Append(billId, bill) |> ignore


let stream = session.Events.FetchStream()

stream being IReadOnlyList<IEvent> and IEvent defined as:

public interface IEvent
    Guid Id { get; set; }
    int Version { get; set; }
    long Sequence { get; set; }
    object Data { get; }
    Guid StreamId { get; set; }
    string StreamKey { get; set; }
    DateTimeOffset Timestamp { get; set; }
    string TenantId { get; set; }
    void Apply<TAggregate>(TAggregate state, IAggregator<TAggregate> aggregator) where TAggregate : class, new();

I would like to convert each IEvent to AccountEvents, if the underlying type of the Data property is AccountEvents (if not the item is not yielded in the resulting sequence).

In C# I would simply use the keyword as to achieve that, but in F# I am not sure what is the fastest F#-ish way(in terms of performance) to get that.

I ended up on the following code:

let seqCastOption<'T> sequence =
    |> x ->
        match box x with
        | :? 'T as value -> Some value
        | _ -> None)

let fetchStream<'T> (session: IDocumentSession) (id: Guid) =
    let stream = session.Events.FetchStream(id)
    |> x -> x.Data)
    |> seqCastOption<'T>
    |> Seq.filter (fun x -> x.IsSome)
    |> x -> x.Value)

But this seems quite "expensive", and I an wondering whether the step of converting .Data to the Option<AccountEvents> + filter the ones that IsSome can be done all at once.


  • The Seq.choose function mentioned in rmunn's answer is very useful to know for this kind of situation, but for this exact situation I would recommend using the built in .NET method Enumerable.OfType<'T>, which does exactly what you want and is probably quite optimised:

    open System.Linq
    let fetchStream<'T> (session: IDocumentSession) (id: Guid) =
        let stream = session.Events.FetchStream(id)
        |> x -> x.Data)
        |> Enumerable.OfType<'T>