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What is the best way to remove double quotes from strings set using MySQL _FETCH?

I have a php script to retrieve data from a MysQL databse following an ajax call. The data needs to be returned to the calling web page as a string representing a series of x,y values to be displayed on a scatter graph.

The required format which the php script needs to output to the calling page (which will pick it up from xmlhttp.responseText) is as follows:


What I am getting is:


The PHP code I am using to build the return string is:

while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($res_Data,MYSQL_NUM)) { 

  $index[$i] = $i;
  $PointArray[0] = $i;
  $PointArray[1] = $row[1];
  $ReturnData[$i] = $PointArray;
  $i = $i + 1;

echo json_encode($ReturnData);

Interestingly, when I echo the data to a html table displayed on the calling page rather than setting it as a php array, no double quotes appear.

My questions is twofold:

(1) Is there a more elegant way of building the data string than what I have come up with which appears a bit clumsy?

(2) What's the best way to remove the double quotes - should this be done server side or in the javascript function on the web page initiating the call?

Many thanks


  • If you don't want quotes to appear - just don't put a strings in array ;-)

    Replace your code to something like (I added (float) modifier before $row[1]):

    while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($res_Data,MYSQL_NUM)) { 
      $index[$i] = $i;
      $PointArray[0] = $i;
      $PointArray[1] = (float)$row[1];
      $ReturnData[$i] = $PointArray;
      $i = $i + 1;

    Or a little more compact:

    while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($res_Data,MYSQL_NUM)) { 
      $index[$i] = $i; // what is it used for?
      $ReturnData[$i] = array($i, (float)$row[1]);