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How to install R and RMySQL in RedHat Linux 8?

How do I install R and RMYSQL on RedHat Linux 8?

Cannot get the epel working. Trying to install R gives dependency errors.


  • Followed the instructions here: (Assuming that you have already installed the MySQL)

    1. Untar the downloaded R :

      sudo su
      tar -xzvf R-3.5.2.tar.gz
      chown -R root:root R-3.5.2/
    2. Now install the following using yum:

      yum install java
      yum install xz xz-devel         
      yum group install "Development tools"
      yum install readline-devel
      yum install xz xz-devel 
      yum install pcre pcre-devel
      yum install libcurl-devel
      yum install texlive
      yum install *gfortran*
      yum install zlib*
      yum install bzip2-*
    3. Now configure:

      ./configure -with-x=no
    4. Make install :

      make install 
    5. Now to launch R from anywhere:

      ./configure --prefix=/where/you/want/R/to/go
      (sudo ./configure --prefix=/home/ec2-user/R-3.6.0/bin)   

      That should install the R.

    6. you can move R: cp -r R-3.6.0 /usr/local/R

    After this you can install DBI:

    1. Install DBI:

      R CMD INSTALL DBI_1.0.0.tar.gz
    2. Create the mariadb repo:

      vi /etc/yum.repos.d/MariaDB.repo
    3. Add the following in the repo file:

       name = MariaDB
       baseurl =
    4. Install mariadb

      yum install mariadb-devel
    5. Get RMySQL from here:

    6. Install RMySQL:

      R CMD INSTALL RMySQL_0.10.17.tar.gz
    7. Test the installation:

      db <- dbConnect(MySQL(), user="userName", password="passWord", dbname="mysql", host="")