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Export a data frame as multiple worksheets in a single Excel file in R

I have a dataframe like this dummy data:

df <- data.frame(
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
  id = c(
  name = c(
  date = c(
  start_time = c(
  end_time = c(

After series of data wrangling I want to export the data to a single Excel file that contains multiple worksheets for each variable name. I found a workaround here with openxlsx library.

# export one .xlsx file with sheet for each name:


# make a list of names
        names <-
            df$name) %>%
          as.character() %>% 

 # create wordbook       
        wb <- createWorkbook()

        for (d in names) {
           addWorksheet(wb, sheetName = d)
          writeData(wb, d, df)

        saveWorkbook(wb, 'data.xlsx')

My script is working and will export a single file with multiple worksheets, but each worksheets contains all the data not sub-group of data. I want one sheet for data belongs to Aggi (work sheet name = Aggi) and so on. What am I missing? Apparently my for statement has a problem.


  • In your writeData function you need to subset the data for each corresponding worksheet.

    So in your for loop, you need something like:

    for (d in names) {
      addWorksheet(wb, sheetName = d)
      writeData(wb, d, df[df$name == d, ]) ## Subsets on the name