I'm working on Pdf to text file conversion using google cloud vision API.
I got an initial code help through there side, image to text conversion working fine with JSON key which I got through registration and activation,
here is a code which I got for pdf to text conversion
private static object DetectDocument(string gcsSourceUri,
string gcsDestinationBucketName, string gcsDestinationPrefixName)
var client = ImageAnnotatorClient.Create();
var asyncRequest = new AsyncAnnotateFileRequest
InputConfig = new InputConfig
GcsSource = new GcsSource
Uri = gcsSourceUri
// Supported mime_types are: 'application/pdf' and 'image/tiff'
MimeType = "application/pdf"
OutputConfig = new OutputConfig
// How many pages should be grouped into each json output file.
BatchSize = 2,
GcsDestination = new GcsDestination
Uri = $"gs://{gcsDestinationBucketName}/{gcsDestinationPrefixName}"
asyncRequest.Features.Add(new Feature
Type = Feature.Types.Type.DocumentTextDetection
List<AsyncAnnotateFileRequest> requests =
new List<AsyncAnnotateFileRequest>();
var operation = client.AsyncBatchAnnotateFiles(requests);
Console.WriteLine("Waiting for the operation to finish");
// Once the rquest has completed and the output has been
// written to GCS, we can list all the output files.
var storageClient = StorageClient.Create();
// List objects with the given prefix.
var blobList = storageClient.ListObjects(gcsDestinationBucketName,
Console.WriteLine("Output files:");
foreach (var blob in blobList)
// Process the first output file from GCS.
// Select the first JSON file from the objects in the list.
var output = blobList.Where(x => x.Name.Contains(".json")).First();
var jsonString = "";
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
storageClient.DownloadObject(output, stream);
jsonString = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(stream.ToArray());
var response = JsonParser.Default
// The actual response for the first page of the input file.
var firstPageResponses = response.Responses[0];
var annotation = firstPageResponses.FullTextAnnotation;
// Here we print the full text from the first page.
// The response contains more information:
// annotation/pages/blocks/paragraphs/words/symbols
// including confidence scores and bounding boxes
Console.WriteLine($"Full text: \n {annotation.Text}");
return 0;
this function required 3 parameters string gcsSourceUri, string gcsDestinationBucketName, string gcsDestinationPrefixName
I don't understand which value should I set for those 3 params. I never worked on third party API before so it's a little bit confusing for me
Suppose you own a GCS bucket named 'giri_bucket' and you put a pdf at the root of the bucket 'test.pdf'. If you wanted to write the results of the operation to the same bucket you could set the arguments to be
When the operation completes, there will be 1 or more output files in your GCS bucket at giri_bucket/async_test.
If you want, you could even write your output to a different bucket. You just need to make sure your gcsDestinationBucketName + gcsDestinationPrefixName is unique.
You can read more about the request format in the docs: AsyncAnnotateFileRequest