Search code examples

Grouping lines with a specific pattern into one line as a csv text file

I'm writing a parser for text data. I've almost done... but it's turn to be the php script must be working on a server with PHP Version 5.3.13. And there is no way to upgrage. So I try to re-write the script but... I think I broke it. It doesn't work at all.

First here is the source text data that I need to parse:

27 may 15:28 Id: 42 #1 Random Text

Info: 3 Location: Street Guests: 2              

(Text header 1) Apple                    15
(Text header 2) Milk          2
(Text header 1) Ice cream                   4
(Text header 3) Pencil            1
(Text header 1) Box                    1
   (Text header 2) Cardboard                 x1
   (Text header 3) White                 x1
   (Text header 1) Cube              x1
(Text header 1) Phone     1
   (Text header 1) Specific text                x1
   (Text header 1) Symbian                x1

Second here is the desired output, the result text file that I need:

42 ; 15:28
Ice cream ; 4 ; NOHANDLE ; NOHANDLE
Box ; 1 ; Cardboard, White, Cube ; NOHANDLE
Phone ; 1 ; Symbian ; Specific text

NOHANDLE is necessary 'cause it is, as you can see, a CSV file. In order for a CSV to work properly, each line needs to have the same number of columns. So I have to add NOHADLE everytime when there is no "child" strings.

And, finaly, here is the I code I try to get work right way:


$data = trim(file_get_contents('inbox_file_utf8_clean.txt'));

$all_lines = preg_split("/\r?\n/", $data);
$date_id_line = array_shift($all_lines);
if(!preg_match('/^\d+\s\w+\s(?<time>\d+:\d+)\sId:\s(?<id>\d+).*/', $date_id_line, $matches)) {
  trigger_error('Failed to match ID and timestamp', E_USER_ERROR);
$output_data = array(
  'info' => array(
    'id' => $matches['id'],
    'time' => $matches['time']
  'data' => array()

$all_text_headers = array_values(preg_grep('/^\s*\(/', $all_lines));

// The first "Text header" is a parent.
// Count the number of leading whitespaces to determine other parents
preg_match('/^\x20*/', $all_text_headers[0], $leading_space_matches);
$leading_spaces = $leading_space_matches[0];
$num_leading_spaces = strlen($leading_spaces);
$parent_lead = str_repeat(' ', $num_leading_spaces) . '(';
$parent = NULL;
foreach($all_text_headers as $index => $header_line) {
  array($lead, $item_value) = explode( ") ", $header_line);
  array($topic, $topic_count) = array_map('trim',
    preg_split('/\s{2,}/', $item_value, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY)

  $topic_count = (int) $topic_count;

  if($is_parent = ($parent === NULL || strpos($lead, $parent_lead) === 0)) {
    $parent = $topic;

  // This only goes one level deep
  if($is_parent) {
    $output_data['data'][$parent] = array(
      'values' => array(),
      'count' => $topic_count
  } else {
    $output_data['data'][$parent]['values'][] = $topic;

$csv_delimiter = ';';

$handle = fopen('output_file.csv', 'wb');

fputcsv($handle, array_values($output_data['info']), $csv_delimiter);

foreach($output_data['data'] as $key => $values) {

  $row = [
    implode(', ', $values['values']) ?: 'NOHANDLE',
  fputcsv($handle, $row, $csv_delimiter);



Now I stuck... I get this error:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '=' in index.php on line 29


  • you're right you must use array() insted of just [ ]

    and the error line

    array($lead, $item_value) = explode( ") ", $header_line);

    must be like this:

    list($lead, $item_value) = explode(') ', $header_line);

    and in the next line you must use list ()

    i try to make all corrections:

    $data = trim(file_get_contents('inbox_file_utf8_clean.txt'));
    $all_lines = preg_split("/\r?\n/", $data);
    $date_id_line = array_shift($all_lines);
    if(!preg_match('/^\d+\s\w+\s(?<time>\d+:\d+)\sId:\s(?<id>\d+).*/', $date_id_line, $matches)) {
      trigger_error('Failed to match ID and timestamp', E_USER_ERROR);
    $output_data = array(
      'info' => array(
        'id' => $matches['id'],
        'time' => $matches['time']
      'data' => array()
    $all_text_headers = array_values(preg_grep('/^\s*\(/', $all_lines));
    // The first "Text header" is a parent.
    // Count the number of leading whitespaces to determine other parents
    preg_match('/^\x20*/', $all_text_headers[0], $leading_space_matches);
    $leading_spaces = $leading_space_matches[0];
    $num_leading_spaces = strlen($leading_spaces);
    $parent_lead = str_repeat(' ', $num_leading_spaces) . '(';
    $parent = NULL;
    foreach($all_text_headers as $index => $header_line) {
      list($lead, $item_value) = explode(') ', $header_line);
      list($topic, $topic_count) = array_map('trim',
        preg_split('/\s{2,}/', $item_value, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY)
      $topic_count = (int) $topic_count;
      if($is_parent = ($parent === NULL || strpos($lead, $parent_lead) === 0)) {
        $parent = $topic;
      // This only goes one level deep
      if($is_parent) {
        $output_data['data'][$parent] = array(
          'values' => array(),
          'count' => $topic_count
      } else {
        $output_data['data'][$parent]['values'][] = $topic;
    $csv_delimiter = ';';
    $handle = fopen('output_file.csv', 'wb');
    fputcsv($handle, array_values($output_data['info']), $csv_delimiter);
    foreach($output_data['data'] as $key => $values) {
      $row = array(
        implode(', ', $values['values']) ?: 'NOHANDLE',
      fputcsv($handle, $row, $csv_delimiter);