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What is the correct syntax for iterating over records in a dataframe or pytable?

import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame
import tables as pytb

with pytb.open_file('debug_counts.h5', mode='r') as h5file:

    table = h5file.get_node('/tbl_main') 

    print("number of rows in table =", table.nrows) 

    i = 0 
    j = 0
    for row in table:
        j += 1
        if row['symbol'] == b"foo":           
            i += 1  

    print("table all records count =", j)  
    print("table foo records count =", i)  

    df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(table.read_where('(symbol == b"foo")')) 

    print("dataframe size =", df.size)    

    i = 0
    for index, row in df.iterrows():
        i += 1

    print("dataframe records count =", i)    

    i = 0 
    for record in table.where('(symbol == b"foo")'):
        i += 1

    print("table.where records count =", i)



runfile('G:/$HDF5/', wdir='G:/$HDF5')
number of rows in table = 2826254
table all records count = 2826254
table foo records count = 37920
dataframe size = 985920
dataframe records count = 37920
table.where records count = 37920

The larger numbers are all correct. The 37920 numbers are incorrect, or at least not what I want. How do I get the output I'm looking for (985920, not 37920), and where does the 37920 come from?


  • This is how I would code to get row and size counts. I couldn't test your example. Apologies if there's an inadvertent typo.

    import tables as pytb
    with pytb.open_file('debug_counts.h5', mode='r') as h5file:
        table = h5file.get_node('/tbl_main')
        sym_list = table.get_where_list('(symbol == b"foo")')
        print("table.get_where_list retrieved =", len(sym_list), "rows" )
        sym_array = table.read_where('(symbol == b"foo")')
        print("table.read_where array dtype=" , sym_array.dtype)     
        print("table.read_where array shape=" , sym_array.shape)
        print("table.read_where array size =" , sym_array.size)