i want to know why @Value
property injection works on classes with @Service
annotation but not on classes with @Bean
within @Configuration
annotated class.
Works means that the property value is not null.
This value is also injected into two other service which i see during debugging in DefaultListableBeanFactory.doResolveDependency
. But i dont see the bean WebserviceEndpoint
public class WebserviceConfig {
// do some configuration stuff
public IWebserviceEndpoint webserviceEndpoint() {
return new WebserviceEndpoint();
Webservice interface
@WebService(targetNamespace = "http://de.example/", name = "IWebservice")
@SOAPBinding(parameterStyle = SOAPBinding.ParameterStyle.BARE)
public interface IWebserviceEndpoint {
@WebResult(name = "response", targetNamespace = "http://de.example/", partName = "parameters")
public Response callWebservice(@WebParam(partName = "parameters", name = "request", targetNamespace = "http://de.example/") Request request) throws RequestFault;
Webservice class
public class WebserviceEndpoint implements IWebserviceEndpoint {
private String propertyValue;
property: property-value
When does the injection of @Value happen in this case.
Basically propertyValue
is null because Spring injects value after bean's creation.
So when you do:
public IWebserviceEndpoint webserviceEndpoint() {
return new WebserviceEndpoint();
Spring creates a new instance with propertyValue=null
You can initialize your instance attribue with @ConfigurationProperties
public IWebserviceEndpoint webserviceEndpoint() {
return new WebserviceEndpoint();
Note that propertyValue
should have a setter.
You have several ways to solve this problem, usually it's good to centralize properties in one utils class.
public class Configs {
String property;
String getProperty(){
return property;
And then:
public IWebserviceEndpoint webserviceEndpoint() {
WebserviceEndpoint we = new WebserviceEndpoint();
return we;
Again there are many many different ways to solve this problem