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How to order controls from a pre-determined order

I have registered some controls on a page and set their public properties server side no problem so they display as intended. Now there is a requirement to set the order of the controls on page load dynamically from ordering values saved in a database table. As per the code shown on the ascx page the ordering is currently static and sequential. Is there a way to set the order based on the database ordering values either from the server or using jQuery etc?

      <controls:PrintMDTHeader ID="PrintMDTHeader1" runat="server" />
      <controls:PrintMDTStaging ID="PrintMDTStaging1" runat="server" />
      <controls:PrintMDTPresentation ID="PrintMDTPresentation1" runat="server" />
      <controls:PrintMDTInvestigation ID="PrintMDTInvestigation1" runat="server" />
      <controls:PrintMDTDiagnosis ID="PrintMDTDiagnosis1" runat="server" />
      <controls:PrintMDTNonPrimary ID="PrintMDTNonPrimary1" runat="server" />


  • Didn't think of this but

    <asp:PlaceHolder />

    fits the bill nicely