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Jenkinsfile to automatically deploy to EKS

How do I pass my aws credentials when I am running a Jenkinsjob taking this as an example

$ docker run -v ~/.aws:/home/kubectl/.aws -e CLUSTER=demo    maddox/kubectl get services

The above works on my laptop , but I want to pass aws credentials on the file.I have aws configured in my Jenkins-->credentials .I also have a bitbucket repo which contains a Jenkinsfile and a yam file for "service" and "deployment"

the way I do it now is run the kubectl create -f filename.yaml and it deploys to eks .. just want to do the same thing but automate it with a Jenkinsfile , suggestions on how to do it either with kubectl or with helm


  • In your Jenkinsfile you should include similar section:

     stage('Deploy on Dev') {
                sh "sed -i 's|IMAGE|${IMAGE}|g' k8s/deployment.yaml"
                sh "sed -i 's|ACCOUNT|${ACCOUNT}|g' k8s/service.yaml"
                sh "sed -i 's|ENVIRONMENT|dev|g' k8s/*.yaml"
                sh "sed -i 's|BUILD_NUMBER|01|g' k8s/*.yaml"
                sh "kubectl apply -f k8s"
                DEPLOYMENT = sh (
                    script: 'cat k8s/deployment.yaml | yq -r',
                    returnStdout: true
                echo "Creating k8s resources..."
                sleep 180
                DESIRED= sh (
                    script: "kubectl get deployment/$DEPLOYMENT | awk '{print \$2}' | grep -v DESIRED",
                    returnStdout: true
                CURRENT= sh (
                    script: "kubectl get deployment/$DEPLOYMENT | awk '{print \$3}' | grep -v CURRENT",
                    returnStdout: true
                if (DESIRED.equals(CURRENT)) {
                    currentBuild.result = "SUCCESS"
                } else {
                    error("Deployment Unsuccessful.")
                    currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"

    which will be responsible for automating deployment proccess.

    I hope it helps.