I tried to create a task that should run every minute in celery along with redis server
To execute redis I ran "redis-server"
To execute celery I ran "celery -A tasks worker --loglevel=info"
This is my tasks.py file
from celery import Celery
from celery.schedules import crontab
from celery.task import periodic_task
app = Celery('tasks', backend='redis://localhost', broker='redis://localhost')
def add(x, y):
return x + y
def run_every_minute():
return "ok"
When I ran in python console
from tasks.py import run_every_minute
I got output at celery running terminal as
[2019-06-05 01:35:02,591: INFO/MainProcess] Received task: run_every_minute[06498b4b-1d13-45af-b91c-fb10476e0aa3]
[2019-06-05 01:35:02,595: WARNING/Worker-2] hehe
[2019-06-05 01:35:02,599: INFO/MainProcess] Task run_every_minute[06498b4b-1d13-45af-b91c-fb10476e0aa3] succeeded in
0.004713802001788281s: 'ok'
But this should execute every minute since its a periodic task. How this can happen. Also, how can we execute a celery task at some specific time say 5:30 GMT(for example).
Ok, based on the commentary
First periodic_task
needs the scheduler/beat be started (Periodic Tasks), with this the scheduler will send the task depending in the run_every
celery -A tasks beat
Next, if you need to send the beat every minute, you need the crontab be like this
def run_every_minute():
return "ok"
With minute='*'
, it will send the task every minute. minute=1
will send the task at every hour in the minute one