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How to use the brotli npm module to compress files

I would like to use this npm module to compress files, but I'm a bit stuck by the documention.

In a linux shell :

npm install brotli # npm@4.1.2 # brotli@1.3.1 

node # v6.9.4

Then inside node:

var fs = require('fs');
var brotli = require('brotli');

brotli.compress(fs.readFileSync('myfile.txt')); // output is numbers

fs.writeFile('', brotli.compress(fs.readFileSync('bin.tar')), function(err){ if (!err) { console.log('It works!');}});
"It works!"

But the file is full of numbers too...

I've never used streams and fs like that in node, can someone explains how to deal with this? Thanks!


  • With this simple JS code you are compressing each *.html *.css *.js file inside the folder you choose (in this case /dist)

    const fs = require('fs');
    const compress = require('brotli/compress');
    const brotliSettings = {
        extension: 'br',
        skipLarger: true,
        mode: 1, // 0 = generic, 1 = text, 2 = font (WOFF2)
        quality: 10, // 0 - 11,
        lgwin: 12 // default
    fs.readdirSync('dist/').forEach(file => {
        if (file.endsWith('.js') || file.endsWith('.css') || file.endsWith('.html')) {
            const result = compress(fs.readFileSync('dist/' + file), brotliSettings);
            fs.writeFileSync('dist/' + file + '.br', result);