I have a structure consisting of a Names column and a Data column.
I need to delete a series of row by imposing the condition with respect to a specific name.
I used this code in another exercise and it seemed to be fine, but I guess it's not correct :
sn = {'Adattamento ad una distrib._HID',...
'Adattamento ad una distrib._HI1',...
'TUTTI','Modelling','Sheet37','Sheet52'}; % fogli da escludere
SheetNames = {S.Name}; %%
for jj = 1:length(sn)
SheetNames = {S.Name};
S = S(~strncmp(SheetNames, sn(jj),jj));
%jj = numel(sn)-1; % aggiorna l'indice
----------------------------UPDATE------------------------------------ I understood the problem.
My S.Name structure is so made:
SheetNames = {S.Name};
This is {S.Name} :
{'Ar1';'Adattamento ad una distrib._HID';'Adattamento ad una distrib._HI1';...;'Ar2';'Ar35';...;
sn = {'Adattamento ad una distrib._HID',...
'Adattamento ad una distrib._HI1',...
the final structure S, will no longer contain the names that begin A,T,M,S
S = 1x128 after the loop it becomes an S = 1x91
Let the data be defined as
S(1).Name = 'Ar1'; S(1).Data = [1 2 3];
S(2).Name = 'Adattamento ad una distrib._HID'; S(2).Data = 'abcd';
S(3).Name = 'Adattamento ad una distrib._HI1'; S(3).Data = [true; false];
S(4).Name = 'Ar4'; S(4).Data = {'4' '5'};
sn = {'Adattamento ad una distrib._HID',...
'Adattamento ad una distrib._HI1',...
Then, you can use ismember
and logical indexing as follows:
result = S(~ismember({S.Name}, sn));