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R ggplot2 facet_grid with vars(): how to handle missing argument?

I want to use tidy evaluation for ggplot's facet_grid, but don't know how to allow for missing arguments?

ggplot2 3.0.0 introduced the function vars() (see news), to use tidy evaluation in for example facet_grid. But it is not clear to me how to handle missing/NULL arguments?

In the following code, how do I do so that no passing any argument to wrap_by (i.e. using p + wrap_by()) does not return an error?

#> Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'ggplot2':
#>   method         from 
#>   [.quosures     rlang
#>   c.quosures     rlang
#>   print.quosures rlang
p <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(wt, disp)) + geom_point()
wrap_by <- function(...) {
  facet_wrap(vars(...), labeller = label_both)
p + wrap_by() #ERROR!
#> Can't subset with `[` using an object of class NULL.

Use case: I want to have a function to define the facet variables, but want to make them optional.

fac_by <- function(var_fac1, var_fac2) {

p+ fac_by(vs, am)
p+ fac_by(var_fac1=vs) # won't work

The issue here is that ideally I would allow for either row, either col, both (ideally none also, though this does not seem possible with facet_grid(NULL, NULL))


  • You can do :

    fac_by <- function(var_fac1, var_fac2) {
      # retrieve the arguments from the call
      args_ <- rlang::call_args(
      # rename them (use na.omit on top of it if you have more arguments)
      names(args_) <- c(var_fac1 = "rows", var_fac2 = "cols")[names(args_)]
      # apply vars on them
      args_ <- purrr::map(args_, vars)
      # build the call
      call_ <-,args_))
    p+ fac_by(vs, am)
    p+ fac_by(var_fac1=vs)

    Using if and missing awould arguably be simpler though :

    fac_by <- function(var_fac1, var_fac2) {
      facet_grid(rows=if(missing(var_fac1)) NULL else enquos(var_fac1), 
                 cols=if(missing(var_fac2)) NULL else enquos(var_fac2))
    p+ fac_by(vs, am)
    p+ fac_by(var_fac1=vs)

    Note you can use enquos(var_fac1) instead of vars(!!enquo(var_fac1)