I'd like to be able to generically manipulate types like T[_] <: Traversable
so that I can do things like map and filter, but I'd like to defer the decision about which Traversable
I select for as long as possible.
I'd like to be able write functions against a generic T[Int]
that return a T[Int]
not a Traversable[Int]
. So for example, I'd like to apply a function to a Set[Int]
or a Vector[Int]
or anything that extends Traversable and get that type back.
I first attempted to do this in a simple manner like:
trait CollectionHolder[T[_] <: Traversable[_]] {
def easyLessThanTen(xs: T[Int]): T[Int] = {
xs.filter(_ < 10)
but this won't compile: Missing parameter type for expanded function. It will compile, however, if the function takes a Traversable[Int]
instead of a T[Int]
, so thought I could work with Traversable
and convert to a T
. This lead me to CanBuildFrom
object DoingThingsWithTypes {
trait CollectionHolder[T[_] <: Traversable[_]] {
def lessThanTen(xs: T[Int])(implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[Traversable[Int], Int, T[Int]]): T[Int] = {
val filteredTraversable = xs.asInstanceOf[Traversable[Int]].filter(_ < 10)
(cbf() ++= filteredTraversable).result
which compiles. But then in my tests:
val xs = Set(1, 2, 3, 4, 1000)
object withSet extends CollectionHolder[Set]
withSet.lessThanTen(xs) shouldBe Set(1, 2, 3, 4)
I get the following compiler error:
Cannot construct a collection of type Set[Int] with elements of type Int based on a collection of type Traversable[Int]. not enough arguments for method lessThanTen: (implicit cbf: scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom[Traversable[Int],Int,Set[Int]])Set[Int]. Unspecified value parameter cbf.
Where can I get a CanBuildFrom to make this conversion? Or better yet, how can I modify my simpler approach for the result I want? Or do I need to use a typeclass and write an implicit implementation for each Traversable I'm interested in using (one for Set, one for Vector etc)? I'd prefer to avoid the last approach if possible.
Using the (Scala 2.12.8) standard library instead of cats/scalaz/etc. you need to look at GenericTraversableTemplate
. filter
isn't defined there, but can easily be:
import scala.collection.GenTraversable
import scala.collection.generic.GenericTraversableTemplate
trait CollectionHolder[T[A] <: GenTraversable[A] with GenericTraversableTemplate[A, T]] {
def lessThanTen(xs: T[Int]): T[Int] = {
filter(xs)(_ < 10)
def filter[A](xs: T[A])(pred: A => Boolean) = {
val builder = xs.genericBuilder[A]
xs.foreach(x => if (pred(x)) { builder += x })
In the comment you mention nonEmpty
and exists
; they are available because of the GenTraversable
type bound. Really filter
is too, the problem is that it returns GenTraversable[A]
instead of T[A]
Scala 2.13 reworks collections so the methods will probably be slightly different there, but I haven't looked enough at it yet.
Also: T[_] <: Traversable[_]
is likely not what you want as opposed to T[A] <: Traversable[A]
; e.g. the first constraint is not violated if you have T[Int] <: Traversable[String]