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NativeScript Angular - Footer Displayed Above Keyboard

In NativeScript Angular I have a page with the following code:

<DockLayout stretchLastChild="true" height=100%>
    <Button dock="bottom" text="bottom" style="background-color: #AA0078;"></Button>
    <TextField dock="top" hint="Search" textFieldHintColor="black"></TextField>
    <Button text="fill" style="background-color: #CCFFFF;"></Button>

Which looks like this:

Image: Footer is docked to bottom of the page

But when the keyboard appears, the footer gets displayed above the keyboard as the page gets resized. Instead I would like the footer to stay where it is, underneath the keyboard out of sight.

Image: Footer appears above keyboard

I have tried setting the height to "screen.mainScreen.heightDIPs" but the value this returns is actually wrong (it is about 80 DIP higher than the actual application window height on one device).



  • Set windowSoftInputMode to adjustPan on the NativeScriptActivity in your /App_Resources/Android/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml

    <activity android:name="com.tns.NativeScriptActivity" 

    This prevents the window from being resized when while showing soft keyboard. This is something specific to Android, will not occur on iOS.