Using ngFor to loop through an array of items, i want items with an EVEN index to have a different background color from items with an ODD index. i was able to achieve this in VueJs using the code below:
I have tried the Angular Code below, No Success:
<ion-col *ngFor="let item of [].constructor(50); let i = index" >
<ion-card [attr.color]="{'secondary': i % 2, 'primary': !(i % 2)}">
VueJs Code: this code works for me in VueJs but i need to achieve this same logic in Angular 7
<div v-for="(itemforsale, index) in filteredListMainitemsforsale">
<div :class="{'box bg-success text-center': index % 2, 'box bg-info text-center': !(index % 2)}" >
you can try like this
<ion-col *ngFor="let item of [].constructor(50); let i = index" >
<ion-card [ngStyle]="{'color': i % 2 == 0 ? 'secondary' : 'primary'}">