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How do you send a txt message to a cell phone from a Lucee web app?

I would like my application to send a text message to users on certain triggers, preferably using something like a cfmail tag. I've never had to send text message from a web app before, but given the huge number of mobile devices out there today I assumed this would be built into CF/Lucee if I ever needed it. However, now that I do I'm not seeing anything in the docs or first few pages of Google.

Is it possible to send text messages directly from Lucee? I know that I could use cfmail to send messages to the carrier's gateway (ie: [email protected]), but that requires me to know and maintain a list of every carrier's address scheme and know which carrier the recipient is with, which I can't. Is what I want to do only possible with a third party service?


  • Twilio ( makes it easy to send text messages. All you need to do is to make an HTTP POST request.

    When you successfully send a message, Twilio responds with data about the process, including a message SID (System ID).

    Here is some code which you can put in a .cfm page and run it to send a message. Replace the three PLACEHOLDERS with your Twilio values.

    You'll find your Twilio credentials ACCOUNT_SID and AUTH_TOKEN, on your "Dashboard" after you signup/login at Twilio.

    YOUR_TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER should start with +.

    <cffunction name="sendMessageWithTwilio" output="false" access="public" returnType="string">
        <cfargument name="aMessage" type="string" required="true" />
        <cfargument name="destinationNumber" type="string" required="true" />
        <cfset var twilioAccountSid = "YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID" />
        <cfset var twilioAuthToken = "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN" />
        <cfset var twilioPhoneNumber = "YOUR_TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER" />
            password="#twilioAuthToken#" >
            <cfhttpparam name="From" type="formfield" value="#twilioPhoneNumber#" />
            <cfhttpparam name="Body" type="formfield" value="#arguments.aMessage#" />
            <cfhttpparam name="To" type="formfield" value="#arguments.destinationNumber#" />
        <cfif result.Statuscode IS "201 CREATED">
            <cfreturn deserializeJSON(result.Filecontent.toString()).sid />
            <cfreturn result.Statuscode />
    <cfdump var='#sendMessageWithTwilio(
        "This is a test message.",
    )#' />