I am building an ordered struct
stMbr = [:];
Lots and lots of fields get added.
stMbr.Name = "";
stMbr.Address = "";
stMbr.City = "";
Eventually I hit the last field that is being added. After the ordered struct is built, I am going to need to process it
for (key in stMbr) {
When I process the last key, I need to do it note that I hit the last key.
Is there a way to know what the last key is in an ordered struct?
It turns out to not be that hard. I just had to use the keylist() member function
if (key == listlast(stMbr.keylist())) {
Updated Answer
Rather than reprocessing the same list, just keep the last key
lastKey = listlast(stMbr.keylist());
for (key in stMbr) {
if (key == lastKey) {