I'm trying to collate the properties from an existing object that contains some static properties. The object also contains a Dictionary with key value pairs. These key value pairs should be dynamically added as properties to the new object I'm creating.
This is the set up for source object:
public class MyClass
public string PropA { get; set; }
public string PropB { get; set; }
public string PropC { get; set; }
public IDictionary<string, NameValuePair> PropD { get; set; }
public class NameValuePair
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Value { get; set; }
This is where I create a list of the objects:
void Main()
var data = new List<MyClass>
new MyClass {PropA = "A1", PropB = "B1", PropC = "C1", PropD = new Dictionary<string, NameValuePair>
{ "Code11", new NameValuePair {Name = "PropD11", Value = "V11"}},
{ "Code12", new NameValuePair {Name = "PropD12", Value = "V12"}}
new MyClass {PropA = "A2", PropB = "B2", PropC = "C2", PropD = new Dictionary<string, NameValuePair>
{ "Code21", new NameValuePair {Name = "PropD21", Value = "V21"}},
{ "Code22", new NameValuePair {Name = "PropD22", Value = "V22"}},
new MyClass {PropA = "A3", PropB = "B3", PropC = "C3", PropD = new Dictionary<string, NameValuePair>
{ "Code12", new NameValuePair {Name = "PropD12", Value = "V31"}},
{ "Code21", new NameValuePair {Name = "PropD21", Value = "V32"}},
//Extract column names from static properties
var staticColumns = typeof(MyClass).GetProperties().Where(n => n.PropertyType == typeof(string)).Select(p => p.Name);
//Extract column names from the dictionary
var dynamicColumns = data.Where(c => c.PropD.Any()).Select(c => c.PropD).SelectMany(c => c.Values.Select(v => v.Name)).Distinct().ToList();
//Combine to get a new list of columns
var columns = staticColumns.Union(dynamicColumns);
//Create object using columns
//Copy values from data to construct the new object.
I need help with logic to construct an object at runtime, that has the structure as below and the data correctly mapped.
PropA PropB PropC PropD11 PropD12 PropD21 PropD22
A1 B1 C1 V11 V12
A2 B2 C2 V21 V22
A3 B3 C3 V31 V32
Assuming your possible property names are static, here is an answer class:
public class AnsClass {
public string PropA { get; set; }
public string PropB { get; set; }
public string PropC { get; set; }
public string PropD11 { get; set; }
public string PropD12 { get; set; }
public string PropD21 { get; set; }
public string PropD22 { get; set; }
And here is a LINQ statement to create a list of them:
var ans = data.Select(d => new AnsClass {
PropA = d.PropA,
PropB = d.PropB,
PropC = d.PropC,
PropD11 = d.PropD.Values.FirstOrDefault(v => v.Name == "PropD11")?.Value,
PropD12 = d.PropD.Values.FirstOrDefault(v => v.Name == "PropD12")?.Value,
PropD21 = d.PropD.Values.FirstOrDefault(v => v.Name == "PropD21")?.Value,
PropD22 = d.PropD.Values.FirstOrDefault(v => v.Name == "PropD22")?.Value,
If the members of PropD
are dynamic, you can use the following to create ExpandoObjects
but you are really better off just using MyClass
the way it is - it has the best design for this already.
var ans2 = new List<dynamic>();
foreach (var d in data) {
dynamic eo = new ExpandoObject();
eo.PropA = d.PropA;
eo.PropB = d.PropB;
eo.PropC = d.PropC;
var deo = (IDictionary<string,object>)eo;
foreach (var dp in d.PropD.Values)
deo.Add(dp.Name, dp.Value);