If I add a new case class, does that mean I need to search through all of the pattern matching code and find out where the new class needs to be handled? I've been learning the language recently, and as I read about some of the arguments for and against pattern matching, I've been confused about where it should be used. See the following:
Con: Beust
The comments are pretty good in each case, too. So is pattern matching something to be excited about or something I should avoid using? Actually, I imagine the answer is "it depends on when you use it," but what are some positive use cases for it and what are some negative ones?
Jeff, I think you have the right intuition: it depends.
Object-oriented class hierarchies with virtual method dispatch are good when you have a relatively fixed set of methods that need to be implemented, but many potential subclasses that might inherit from the root of the hierarchy and implement those methods. In such a setup, it's relatively easy to add new subclasses (just implement all the methods), but relatively difficult to add new methods (you have to modify all the subclasses to make sure they properly implement the new method).
Data types with functionality based on pattern matching are good when you have a relatively fixed set of classes that belong to a data type, but many potential functions that operate on that data type. In such a setup, it's relatively easy to add new functionality for a data type (just pattern match on all its classes), but relatively difficult to add new classes that are part of the data type (you have to modify all the functions that match on the data type to make sure they properly support the new class).
The canonical example for the OO approach is GUI programming. GUI elements need to support very little functionality (drawing themselves on the screen is the bare minimum), but new GUI elements are added all the time (buttons, tables, charts, sliders, etc). The canonical example for the pattern matching approach is a compiler. Programming languages usually have a relatively fixed syntax, so the elements of the syntax tree will change rarely (if ever), but new operations on syntax trees are constantly being added (faster optimizations, more thorough type analysis, etc).
Fortunately, Scala lets you combine both approaches. Case classes can both be pattern matched and support virtual method dispatch. Regular classes support virtual method dispatch and can be pattern matched by defining an extractor in the corresponding companion object. It's up to the programmer to decide when each approach is appropriate, but I think both are useful.