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Redis 4 systemd Sentinel config file not writable

I have installed latest Redis 4(4.0.14) version.I am trying to setup a 3 node Redis sentinel. I changed my sentinel config file , when I try to run

/usr/bin/redis-sentinel /etc/redis-sentinel.conf

I could start redis sentinel however If i start using systemd,

systemctl start redis-sentinel

I am getting,

2331:X 03 Jun 23:30:31.744 # Sentinel config file /etc/redis-sentinel.conf is not writable: Permission denied. Exiting... .

Why does using systemd result in the above error? I have default systemd redis-sentinel configuration.


  • Check the file permission on /etc/redis-sentinel.conf

    Check for SELINUX sestatus and if it's running, then try disabling it or add an selinux exceptions.