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store getter returns observer object instead of null

I would like to create a simple "Conway's Game of Life" application and store the settings that have already been made to the localStorage.

I created three views

  • Map Settings | Define map size etc.

  • Map Setup | Create a preset for your map

  • Map Launch | Launch your preset

Whenever the settings change the preset has to be deleted because the preset might have a different old size. The settings use default values if the localStorage is empty.

Within my store I save the map setup to the grid property. So the value is either null or a two dimensional array from the localStorage.

When routing to the MapSetup.vue file I use the mounted event to setup the preset

  mounted: function() {
    if (this.grid) { // the preset from the store / localStorage
      this.currentGrid = this.grid; // use the preset
    } else {
      this.currentGrid = this.generateNewMap(); // generate a new preset

Unfortunately this.grid (store getter) is not null and returns an __ob__ observer item. Because of this the if statement is truthy and will not generate a new preset.

I created a working example of my application here

You can define the settings in MapSettings.vue and the grid state from mapSetup should be set to null. After redirecting to MapSetup.vue no grid should appear because this.grid returns __ob__ observer instead of null.

How can I fix it?


  • [MutationTypes.RESET_MAP_SETUP]: state => {
        state.grid = [];

    when you reset the grid, you set it as an empty array, not as null that is why it's not null in your mounted hook