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How to wait for subscribe to finish?

I want to make an asynchronous rest call for which I'm using spring webclient and getting back a Mono. I'm also doing some database calls in parallel but it can't be done reactively due to some reason.

    Map<String, Object> models = new HashMap<>();

    Mono<User> users = this.webClient...; -> new UserState(userRequest, resp))
            .subscribe(response -> {
                models.put("userState", response);
    Iterable<Product> messages = this.productRepository.findAll();
    models.put("products", messages);
    //Wait for users.subscribe to finish <<<<<<<<<<<<<HERE
    return new ModelAndView("messages/list", models);

How do I wait for subscribe to finish before returning ModelAndView. This would have been easy if I was using a Future where I can do get() whenever I want.


  • You can wrap the blocking call in a Mono executed on a separate scheduler, zip it with the Mono containing UserState data and transform their combination into a Mono<ModelAndView> (which can be returned from Spring controller methods). The calls will be executed in parallel, results will be combined when both calls are completed.

    You can define a single bounded scheduler per application specifically for blocking calls and provide it as a constructor argument to any class that makes blocking calls.

    The code will look as follows:

    class SchedulersConfig {
      Scheduler parallelScheduler(@Value("${blocking-thread-pool-size}") int threadsCount) {
        return Schedulers.parallel(threadsCount);
    class Controller {
      final Scheduler parallelScheduler;
      Mono<User> userResponse = // webClient...
      Mono<Iterable<Product>> productsResponse = Mono.fromSupplier(productRepository::findAll)
      return, productsResponse, (user, products) -> 
        new ModelAndView("messages/list", 
            "userState", new UserState(userRequest, user),
            "products", products

    Update based on the comment:
    If you just need to execute HTTP call asynchronously and then join it with the database results you can do the following

    Map<String, Object> models = new HashMap<>();
    Mono<User> userMono = webClient...;
    CompletableFuture<User> userFuture = userMono.toFuture();
    Iterable<Product> messages = productRepository.findAll();
    User user = userFuture.join();
    models.put("products", messages);
    models.put("userState", new UserState(userRequest, user));
    return new ModelAndView("messages/list", models);