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Get list of nearby places from Google Places API (Swift 3)

I am aware that there are similar threats already, however, the exact topic I am looking for seems to not have been touched.

I am a programming newby, however, I achieved to get an app running, which fetches your current location, transforms the coordinates to an address and is able to store your location data in a tableView.

Now I am looking for a way on how to fetch a list of nearby stores with the help of the Google Places API and display them in a table view. I could only find plenty of help on how to display POIs on a map view, however, I would only like to display those in a list (e.g. "Walmart, 1st Avenue, 1234 Waltown).

Is some friendly stranger able to help me?

Thanks a lot in advance!

All the best from Germany, Jonas


  • Lightweight Solution!

    I created a google wrapper to call google near by api here : Google Api Helper

    var input = GInput()
    input.keyword = "Restaurants"
    input.radius = 20000
    var location = GLocation()
    location.latitude = 26.273178
    location.longitude = 73.009545
    input.destinationCoordinate = location
    GoogleApi.shared.callApi(.nearBy, input: input) { (response) in
        if let data = as? [GApiResponse.NearBy], response.isValidFor(.nearBy){
            // all nearby places

    Interesting part is I added a bonus api to get all the 60 nearby places so the user don't have to worry about the next page token and call the api till the final result come. Here is an example to get all the result.

    var input = GInput()
    input.keyword = "Restaurants"
    input.radius = 20000
    var location = GLocation()
    location.latitude = 26.273178
    location.longitude = 73.009545
    input.destinationCoordinate = location
    NearbyExtension.shared.completion = { response in
        if let data = as? [GApiResponse.NearBy], response.isValidFor(.nearBy){
            // all nearby places
    NearbyExtension.shared.getAllNearBy(input: input)