Does anyone know how to get the alignments weights when translating in Opennmt-py? Usually the only output are the resulting sentences and I have tried to find a debugging flag or similar for the attention weights. So far, I have been unsuccessful.
You can get the attention matrices. Note that it is not the same as alignment which is a term from statistical (not neural) machine translation.
There is a thread on github discussing it. Here is a snippet from the discussion. When you get the translations from the mode, the attentions are in the attn
import onmt
import onmt.translate
import onmt.ModelConstructor
from collections import namedtuple
# Load the model.
Opt = namedtuple('Opt', ['model', 'data_type', 'reuse_copy_attn', "gpu"])
opt = Opt("PATH_TO_SAVED_MODEL", "text", False, 0)
fields, model, model_opt = onmt.ModelConstructor.load_test_model(
opt, {"reuse_copy_attn" : False})
# Test data
data =
fields, "text", "PATH_TO_DATA", None, use_filter_pred=False)
data_iter =
dataset=data, device=0,
batch_size=1, train=False, sort=False,
sort_within_batch=True, shuffle=False)
# Translator
translator = onmt.translate.Translator(
model, fields, beam_size=5, n_best=1,
global_scorer=None, cuda=True)
builder = onmt.translate.TranslationBuilder(
data, translator.fields, 1, False, None)
batch = next(data_iter)
batch_data = translator.translate_batch(batch, data)
translations = builder.from_batch(batch_data)
translations[0].attn # <--- here are the attentions