Android App using proguard:
Crashlytics automatically uploads the mapping files for reach of your build variants.
We need to get rid off this warning since our bamboo build agent has no outside connection.
WARN - Crashlytics had a problem uploading the deobs file.
Please check network connectivity and try again.
build 22-Jan-2018 15:20:18 Connect to
How can we disable this upload feature?
Edit - clarification: We do not want to disable crashlytics for this build; in fact we need it.. We just want to disable the upload of the mapping file since we have no outside connection on this agent.
Thanks in advance.
You can disable tasks by setting the enabled
-flag in your top-level build.gradle file for specific tasks to false
subprojects {
tasks.whenTaskAdded { task ->
boolean isCrashlyticsTask ="crashlytics")
if (isCrashlyticsTask) {
task.enabled = false