I have a list of approx 10K entries (and growing) I need to be able to reference in an xPages app. I have had lookup limitations using @DbLookup, so have looked at other options. Unfortunately I continue to run into these limitations.
I am currently loading the lookup list into a session scope variable on page load (which has performance impacts), and the reference the scoped variable for the combo box.
I am using the following simple process to load the list for the combo box. This, however, is also running into limitations.
var lookupView:NotesView = database.getView("LookupView");
sessionScope.lookupList = lookupView.getColumnValues(0) + "|" + lookupView.getColumnValues(4);
I would like a method to perform a lookup that can handle the larger list (main priority) with performance being number 2. The page is used by a limited number of users with the function being most important.
Take a look at this code snippet "Pure Java version of DbLookup & DbColumn, with cache, sort and unique" and either use it directly or use it as inspiration.
You should consider storing the list in application scope since it seems that the list is the same for all users. This means that you need to change the code in the code snippet to use applicationScope instead of sessionScope.